Thursday, September 30, 2010

Buffalo POP

This photo is of down town Buffalo, and I took this picture on my way back to school.  Then I turned everything black and white, but negative.  Next I replaced the sky with broken glass, and did the same effect to it. I really enjoyed making this photograph because its type of style is more modern art, rather than regular photography.

Glass Be Gone

This photograph was taken after someone who was very angry punched the glass and shattered it.  I really liked the look of it, because it was like a spiderweb, but with glass.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Dark Tree (Room)

These picture of a tree that was outside my dorm room. It was a very bright day outside, so it was a great time to take a photo.  I love the contrast of the trees and sky behind them. I changed the color of the sky in the first two photographs but kept the sky the same in the last one.