Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Roller Coaster

Roller Coasters were always a big part of my childhood. I use to love the excitement you get from going down that first hill.  I still enjoy them very much, and they are like the best things at an amusement park.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"Melody" Poem Illustration

      For my poem illustration, I used lyrics from the song Piano Man by Billy Joel.  I choose this song because I have kind of grown up loving this song.  When I was younger I was extremely close to my grandfather and this song was his favorite song.  He taught me how to golf, which is now one of my favorite games to play.  I spent a lot of time with him, and he was one of my biggest role models when I was growing up. So whenever I here this song I think about the times spending with him when I was a child.

This is the original photograph that I used.  I had my friend Liz Caspari take it in the dance studio on campus, because I really wanted to participate in the actual photograph.  My friend Emmy dressed up in a flapper costume for the photograph and I wore a black vest, and white button up.  I choose these outfits for my photograph because I wanted it to look like it took place in the older days when people would go to a tavern to listen to a piano player, and they would always have pretty ladies listening to their music.

The next step was I had to change that pink folder to piano notes in front of me.  First I changed the folder to gray, and then I added piano notes over top of it, and changing it to multiply.  I think they turned out very old school and that is what I was going for.

The next step was I changed the photos brightness and contrast.

 After that I changed the photo's colors by using the filter that says warming filter.  I think this really gave the whole photograph a old looking picture look.

Next I had to get ride of that exercising ball because it really didn't go with the picture.  To do this I used the Liquefy tool, and just dragged the heater and wall down to cover it.

  Then I needed to start adding stuff to the walls so they didn't look so boring.  The first photograph I added to the wall was a picture I took of my hand playing the piano, and I changed it to multiply so it looked like it belonged on the wall.

So I had to do something to the other wall as well.  Therefore I added just an old looking photo I found on Google to just add more decoration and I did the same thing as the other photo on the wall. Although this one was a little bit harder to get to fit in the cork board spot, because I had to cut off angles.

 The next step was I needed to add a wine glass, just to add more character to the photograph.  I got the wine glass off of Google, and then I used the darken and multiply tool to get it to be that red color.
The last step was adding the lyrics in. I decided to put them in the window because the window was very bright and everything else in the photo is kind of darker.  This way my lyrics will stand out more.

Here is my final masterpiece.  I really think it turned out well, and I'm very happy with the outcome.  I
think I really captured the old look I was going for.  This was also a really fun photograph to capture and edit.  If you have any comments or something you would like to say please post below. 
thank you,
Be Free Photography

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Walking Dead....Self Portrait

For my self portrait, I made myself into a Ferocious ZOMBIE!!!!  I did this because I feel like I'm walking around school like a zombie.  You know that feeling when you feel like you are still sleeping but really are awake and doing things.  I'm always exhausted in the mornings from the lack of sleep I get during the day and at night.  Thank goodness for caffeine, otherwise I don't know how I would do it.